Philip, CEO at Day Spa

I'm absolutely floored by the level of care and attention to detail the team at Preline have put into this project and for one can guarantee that we will be a return customer.


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Training courses

Whether a new developer, just new to Android, or an experienced professional, grow your skills with training created by Google's Android development experts. Then get certified as an Android developer to grow your career.

For beginners

Start here for a high-level overview of how to build apps using the latest Modern Android Development practices.

Android Basics with Compose

This is the recommended course to start learning Android! Build a series of apps using Jetpack Compose, the modern toolkit for creating beautiful user interfaces on Android. You will write these apps in the Kotlin programming language and learn best practices in Material Design, app architecture, data storage, fetching data from the network, testing, and more. No programming experience required.

Training level: Beginner

For experienced Android developers

Dive deeper into more advanced topics in Modern Android Development. These resources assume that you have existing knowledge of how to build Android apps.

Jetpack Compose for Android developers

Get started with Jetpack Compose, a modern toolkit for building Android UI.

Training level: Intermediate


Modern Android app architecture

Learn about best practices and recommended architecture for building robust, production-quality apps.

Training level: Intermediate



Learn to make your Android apps usable by everyone, including people with accessibility needs.

Training level: Intermediate


Kotlin coroutines

Use coroutines to simplify task management for commons use cases like making network calls and accessing local data.

Training level: Intermediate

Kotlin language training

For developers interested in learning Kotlin.
codelab based

Kotlin bootcamp for programmers

In the Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers course, you’ll learn the basics of Kotlin as you create programs in IntelliJ IDEA. This course is designed for programmers who know an object-oriented language such as Java or C++.

Training level: Intermediate


Kotlin for Java developers

Incorporate and convert Java code into Kotlin using Android Studio, and learn Kotlin language conventions along the way. You’ll also learn how to write Kotlin code to make it callable from Java code.

Training level: Intermediate

For Android Java developers

Refer here for Android training content for Java developers.
codelab based

Android Room with a View - Java

Design and construct an app using Architecture Components, including Room, ViewModel, and LiveData.

Training level: Intermediate

codelab based

Background work with WorkManager - Java

Learn how to use WorkManager, a compatible, flexible and simple library for deferrable background work in your app.

Training level: Intermediate

Certification program

Showcase your skills with a Google-certified credential.

Google Play Store Listing Certificate

The Google Play Store List Certificate proves foundational knowledge of digital mobile marketing best practices for those building store listings in Google Play Console.

Training level: Intermediate

For Educators

View curriculum resources that you can adapt for teaching Android app development in a classroom setting or community meetup group.
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